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Engraving Color Graphics And Logos

At, we can certainly use your color logo or graphic as part of a design to be engraved. However, please be aware that glass only engraves in the one color of frosted white. A similar effect is true for marble, wood and terra cotta…..all parts of the image will be colored the same when engraved, and colors will not make the transition. This is why we generally recommend single color images, preferably in pure black and white. However, some multi-color graphics will make the transition fairly well, depending on such things as the overlap of colors, and the desired effect when engraved. To help understand this, we have provided some example photos using glass as the sample medium. On the left are some color logo examples….on the right are photos of finished engraved glasses using those logos.


Despite the many colors in the above image, none of the colors overlap or touch each other so they can be shown in a single color (frosted white) without losing any image details. There is no issue at all with this sort of image, but please realize that the engraved version will not retain the colors of the original….everything will be the single color when engraved.


Technically, there are three different colors in the image above (white, blue, and red). The blue and the red can’t be engraved together, or they would look the same and the central blue text would vanish into the background circle. We were able to achieve a good result, however, by removing the red, leaving a two color graphic that will make the transition onto glass with no problem (but without the original colors).


The above image needs color to show the division in the box behind the text. The box becomes the same when the color is removed. In the engraved version, you can’t tell a difference between the top (red) and bottom (blue) parts of the rectangle. The engraved result on the right is a fairly good representation of the original….as long it is not a problem for the background rectangle to appear as a single frosted white color.


Overlapping colors present a problem for engraving purposes. If the different colors are necessary to break out the details of the image, then it won’t make the transition well when engraved. If this logo was to be engraved “as is”, then the letters of “Five Star Printing” will blend in with the blue stars behind them. However, this is a good example of how an image can be edited to make it work for engraving purposes. You can see in the finished (photograph) version how we added an outline around the lettering, so as to provide a contrast with the background stars. The result is a good representation of the original logo, although without the blue or green colors.


Some logos simply won’t work well for engraving personalized wine glasses or engraved champagne flutes. We used this example to show a color logo that just won’t translate very well, at least not without extensive modification. The rainbow colors certainly won’t translate, and without color differentiation the only real remnant of the rainbow is the silhouette of the arc. Even more of a problem is the lettering.....while the black lettering is certainly visible when viewed in front of the rainbow graphic, it will just blend in when everything is engraved. This is an example of a logo that simply needs color in order to work.

In summary, we can certainly accept your color image and engrave it for you. When engraved, though, please understand that all colors in the original image will become the same. This works well for some graphics….but some graphics really need colors in order to work.

We hope that the above examples help illustrate this effect!